When Posie got in front of my camera, I quickly fell in love. Her movements are so effortless and she is beyond gorgeous without even trying. She was also so relaxed and was willing to follow me around as I tried out my new medium format Pentax 645N with 75FA lens with Portra 400. I also brought my Nikon F5 and Nikon D750 to grab some digitals. It was so refreshing to get out and actually experiment and play. This shoot really reminded me of the ease and carefree nature that I experienced when I first started film photography as well as parts of my childhood as we ran around the Pickering Creek Audubon Center! It also didn’t hurt that Posie is a senior so these kind of turned out to be impromptu senior portraits! My fellow photo friends Jillian and Jordan came along too who got some awesome pictures as well. I can’t wait to grab Posie again and go on an adventure!
Jennifer Madino Photography
Engagement & Wedding Photography, Talbot County, Easton, MD
Pickering Creek Audubon Center, Easton, MD